
Showing posts from 2013

Eliminating Duplicates in SQL

Analyzing Duplicates My Friend David Penton wrote this article like a million years ago and being too lazy to actually commit the logic to memory - when I have duplicates I just go find the article.  Had a bit of an issue today - so when I finally found it, I decided to post it here so that I at least will know where it is - I would abbreviate it but someone might find it more valuable in its entirety as written by the talented Mr. Penton. 15 Seconds : Advanced SQL Techniques - Part 1: Analyzing Duplicate Records David Penton  10/09 / 2001 (Right - 2001 !! Does that date us or what!) This article offers an analysis of Structured Query Language (SQL) and presents techniques that can be used in building SQL statements. People tend to think of SQL as a programming language, but in reality, SQL is a Set language. One could say SQL is Set Theory or Relational Algebra; these terms are interchangeable. Some people think of this in terms of Venn diagrams or DeMorgan's Law. A...