Hex Icons
Hex Icons are so much better than using images for buttons. In this example I am using the Hex code to illustrate the magnifying glass inline with an input texbox. I have used inline styles so that it is easy to see the styles I applied. The Hex code is the value of the input and shows the icon inline with the texbox to the right. <div style="background-color: white; height: 30px; width: 258px;"> @Html.TextBox("SearchTerm", null, new { @placeholder = "Enter Search Term", @style="width:220px;" }) <input id="searchBtn" style="border: 0; cursor: pointer; display: inline; height: 100%; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 30px;" type="submit" value="🔎" /> </div> I like this site for finding Hex Icons: http://graphemica.com/ Including a little lock on Admin sections 🔒 is nice