Data Entity Random Database Record

You've seen those random quotes on pages, probably most of them are done with Javascript.  This one is done using a database table (three fields, id, linenumber,linetext) and a data entity call and features the SKIP method.

You have to have an orderby in your query to be able to use SKIP

So put a label on the page or webcontrol and format it as you wish

From the page load call the function to get the data

lblRandom.InnerText = getrandomvalue();

 public string getrandomvalue()

            using (my_maintenanceEntities context = new my_maintenanceEntities())

                var query = (from c in context.tbl_texttable
                             orderby c.LineNumber
                             select c.LineText);
                int count = query.Count();
                int index = new Random().Next(count);
                return query.Skip(index).FirstOrDefault();



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