Build an ActionLink with a Value from the Page

Normally I would use an Html.BeginForm and wrap my link inside it to force it to the controller to handle any variables, but every so often you may need to add a link on the page which is populated with a variable from a textbox and you choose not to post back to the controller.

In this example I want to pass an account number in my ActionLink

So I start by adding the textbox on the page

 Enter Account Number: @Html.TextBox("account")

And the Actionlink (using some bootstrap formatting)

  @Html.ActionLink("View", "Customer", null, new { id = "View", @class="btn btn-danger" })
Then I handle the click event in script on the page
    $(function () {
        $('#View').click(function () {
            var fran = $('#account').val();
            this.href = this.href + '?id=' + encodeURIComponent(fran);

My link now resolves to something like this - had i indicated that id was part of the route it would resolve to Customer/Profile/MRR1212

Alternatively if I wanted to populate my link with a value from a dropdown list I might have something like this
$(function () {$('#excel').click(function(e){
if ($('#Concepts').val() == "0") {
$('#Message').text = 'Choose Concept';

window.location.replace =
'@Url.Action("StoreExtensionExcel", "Marketing")' + '?concept=' + $('#Concepts').val();

In this example I would have a button identified to the page by the name:
'<'input name="excel" type="button" value="Excel" '/>'
My dropdown looks like this:

@Html.DropDownList("Concepts", ViewData["Concepts"] as SelectList)

And when the excel button is clicked the click event is caught and the URL is changed including the value of the selected Concept


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