Handling CheckboxFor with a model

The irritating thing about the Checkboxfor in razor is that it does not return a true or false as one would expect and I did not care to change to an input and form element to handle this behavior.

Here is my solution

Add your CheckboxFor as you normally would when populating for a Model

  @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.Contractor, new { htmlAttributes = new { @type ="checkbox", })

In my controller I am returning the Model VisitorAccess including a bool for Contractor

   public ActionResult Visit(VisitorAccess vis) {

            var isChecked = Request.Form["Contractor"];

              if (!isChecked.Equals("false"))
                //Checkbox is checked, do whatever you want!
                myModel.Contractor = true;
                myModel.Contractor = false;


What makes this work is that it returns either "false" or "false,false"


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