Json News in a Partial View
News on the front page is always nice
Quick way to drop your news into a Partial view so that you can use it anywhere
Create your Partial View Just make it empty
Add a Div for your News
<div id="news"></div>
Add script which loads the news - sidenote - I a have learned that you can not use .append lines when adding conditional data because it inherently closes your tag for you. So I am using an array instead and then appending to the news div at the very end.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var ROOT = '@Url.Content("~/")';
if (ROOT == '/') { ROOT = '' };
$.getJSON(ROOT + '/home/SiteNews/', function (data) {
if (data != null) {
$('#news').html('<h3>CURRENT NEWS</h3><hr />');
$.each(data, function (i, news) {
var array = [];//
var m = moment();
array.push("<b>" + Date(data[i].ContributedDate) + "</b><br /><hr />" + data[i].ArticleText + "<br />");
if (data[i].ArticleUrl != null) {
array.push("<a href=" + data[i].ArticleUrl + " target=_new>More Info...</a>");
$('#news').append("<div class='col-sm-3 newsbox'>" + array.join('') + "</div>");
//Posted By: " + data[i].ContributedBy + "
I am returning my news from a JsonResult like this:
public JsonResult SiteNews()
var programs = (from s in db.SiteNews
where s.featured==true
select s);
return Json(programs, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Quick way to drop your news into a Partial view so that you can use it anywhere
Create your Partial View Just make it empty
Add a Div for your News
<div id="news"></div>
Add script which loads the news - sidenote - I a have learned that you can not use .append lines when adding conditional data because it inherently closes your tag for you. So I am using an array instead and then appending to the news div at the very end.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var ROOT = '@Url.Content("~/")';
if (ROOT == '/') { ROOT = '' };
$.getJSON(ROOT + '/home/SiteNews/', function (data) {
if (data != null) {
$('#news').html('<h3>CURRENT NEWS</h3><hr />');
$.each(data, function (i, news) {
var array = [];//
var m = moment();
array.push("<b>" + Date(data[i].ContributedDate) + "</b><br /><hr />" + data[i].ArticleText + "<br />");
if (data[i].ArticleUrl != null) {
array.push("<a href=" + data[i].ArticleUrl + " target=_new>More Info...</a>");
$('#news').append("<div class='col-sm-3 newsbox'>" + array.join('') + "</div>");
//Posted By: " + data[i].ContributedBy + "
I am returning my news from a JsonResult like this:
public JsonResult SiteNews()
var programs = (from s in db.SiteNews
where s.featured==true
select s);
return Json(programs, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);